Saturday, August 28, 2010

Question 5

5. Think back on our game of Diplomatic Risk. What resources or opportunities would you have needed in order to fulfill your objectives? What difference would those resources or opportunities have made?

Looking back at our game of Diplomatic Risk, my objective was to "carry out a peacekeeping mission" by taking over the country of Ukraine and to do so with the World Council sanction. My obvious resources were my armies. I had the most armies out of everyone else. This allowed me to have a sort of global dominance. Also, another key resource was my secret power. By using my secret power I was able to take any three armies and place them in a single territory of my control. One opportunity I needed was to make allies with countries who would vote to give me the world sanction. This was easy because one group's objective was to become allies with the most countries. I would also need to declare war with and not be neutral or be allies with whoever controlled Ukraine. During our game of Diplomatic Risk, there was a situation where I received world sanction and I was at war with the country controlling Ukraine but because I misunderstood my mission, I gave up the perfect opportunity to win. From this experience, I learned that one must completely understand what the mission is and to take advantage of every opportunity presented.


  1. My objective during the game of Diplomatic Risk was to eliminate all declarations of war in the round or to have the number of bilateral alliances more than double the number of wars that were currently going on. Looking back on the situation this was a very difficult task to do since some of the objectives for the other participants were to either control a territory or to gain one through more conflict. While this was only a game I believe that it provides a good interpretation of the real world and the difficulties that exist in order to ensure that peace is kept throughout the world. Nations will always have conflicts with one another, the important thing is to make sure that such conflicts can be settled without violence and limit the number of lives lost. While the job of keeping peace is a difficult one someone has to do it.

  2. During our game of Risk, Andre’s goal was “to eliminate all declarations of war in the round or to have the number of bilateral alliances more than double the number of wars that were currently going on.” In order to be successful in the game of Risk you need to understand your own goal and the goals of the other players. During the game, it would be helpful if countries met and were able to form alliances to support one another at gaining each other’s goals to “win”. While our goals were different, if Andre and I made an alliance where he gave me world sanction and I ended some of my wars with other countries, both countries could have been one step closer to their goals. This sort of negotiation is what diplomacy is; not just concentrating on your own goals but gaining the alliance of other countries with different goals and taking action to conquer those goals. This is also the principle of the United Nations (U.N.). Sometimes an organization like the U.N. is unable to quickly move forward because there are numerous countries all with different goals to achieve. It was hard enough for nine of us to come to agreements; just imagine how difficult it is for 192 member states in the United Nations to agree and move forward with their goals.

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